About rmindler

Public Figure

International Sidebanders Radio Organization


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International Sidebanders Radio Organization

Serious Sidebanders…Over the years the old masters became mentors and passed tradition on. Though many fell silent and we marked their passing with regret, their spirit still lives on through this team. Like a good team of players in any game, we stand solid because of each member’s contributions, large or small.It cannot stand on the actions of a few. If you are looking for a place in sideband radio, this is one excellent spot to call home. Reach out and explore life, but remember the light here is always left on. We should cherish the past, but I do not wish its return. We should plan for the future, but be in no hurry to get there. The present is where we all belong.

We are one of the most elite Radio Organizations being our strict recruitment and no nonsense ideology, not all can join and most are removed for violations of our code of conduct.

When you hear an #IS number, you are hearing excellence.

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International Sidebanders Radio Organization

posted bt: Richard T.Mindler, Jr.

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